Shopping MethodShopping ChargeEstimated Delivery Time*
Standard₩2,5003-5 business days

When will my order ship?

We ship most in-stock items within 2-3 business days of receiving your order. When your order ships, we will send you a shipping notification with tracking information. Please note that orders may be split across multiple shipments, and items ordered together may not be shipped on the same day. Shipping costs will be allocated across shipments, based on their value, but the total amount paid for shipping will never exceed the shipping cost total provided to you at checkout. Occasionally, items may be out of stock and will be cancelled from your order, unfortunately. You will be notified by email about any cancellation in this case. We will not charge you for items that are cancelled.

How can I check the status of my order?

When your order ships, we will send you a shipping notification with tracking information. To track your parcel, please allow 12-24 hours after the receipt of the notification for the shipping carrier to update your shipment information. If you have not received your order by the end of the delivery window that we estimated during checkout, please contact us here and a Customer Service representative will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why is my order being shipped in multiple shipments?

We make every effort to ship your items together. However, we may have to divide your order into multiple shipments due to item availability, or when items ship from different fulfillment centers. We will send you a shipping notification with tracking information for every parcel that ships. Shipping costs will be allocated across shipments, based on their value, but the total amount paid for shipping will never exceed the shipping cost total provided to you at checkout.


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